DC5 For Sale?! Please Read (Even if you're not looking to buy)
DC5 For Sale?! Please Read (Even if you're not looking to buy)
I absolutely LOVE this car so much, but It's time to build something crazy again and I just don't think this is the right car to do that to. Let's face it, everything that can be done to a DC5 has been done, right?
I'm writing this post for 2 reasons. One is to try and sell this car so that I can purchase the next car (I already know what it is). The other is for some feedback. I'm genuinely starting to look into Youtube Vlogging, but I wanted to know if you would be interested to see what goes on in my life? I'm not sure how many people know this, but SE isn't just a hobby for me. It's my full-time job and so much more goes into it than you may think. Most of it isn't that exciting, however I can fill in those bits with car builds, car profiles, music talk and retro gaming sessions / reviews.
So yeah, if you're 100% interested in the car then drop me a message!
I'd also love your feedback on the Vlog stuff!
P.S. Thank you for a rad weekend, you guys are still loving the new design!